%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Outlines 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [6 0 R ] /Count 1 /Resources << /ProcSet 4 0 R /Font << /F1 8 0 R /F2 9 0 R >> >> /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000] >> endobj 4 0 obj [/PDF /Text ] endobj 5 0 obj << /Creator (DOMPDF) /CreationDate (D:20250211060047+00'00') /ModDate (D:20250211060047+00'00') /Title (Report 02-2025) >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Contents 7 0 R >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Length 2057 >> stream 0.882 0.000 0.176 rg BT 34.016 732.493 Td /F1 18.0 Tf [(Field crew conference at JOEST)] TJ ET BT 34.016 708.205 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Categories: )] TJ ET 0.200 0.200 0.200 rg BT 82.535 708.205 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [( JOEST )] TJ ET 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg BT 34.016 691.416 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Published March 12,2019)] TJ ET 0.200 0.200 0.200 rg BT 34.016 643.127 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Change of agent in field crew)] TJ ET BT 34.016 626.338 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(JOESTS annual field-crew-conference took place on the 7. and 8. Of March 2019. The entire German field crew met at the )] TJ ET BT 34.016 609.550 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Headquarters in Dlmen-Buldern, to present news from the different sales areas and to develop a common sales strategy.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 592.761 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(In the course of the conference, the management board says goodbye to employee Volker Stel. Over 25 years, Verk.-Ing. Volker )] TJ ET BT 34.016 575.972 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Stel stood by for important tasks and is now going into his well-earned retirement. What I will miss most, is the close collaboration )] TJ ET BT 34.016 559.183 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(with the clients! says Mr. Stel.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 542.395 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(As his successor, JOEST welcomes Mr. Gerald Schmidt, who will take over the sales region of Hessen, Saarland and Rhineland-Pfalz )] TJ ET BT 34.016 525.606 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(as of now.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 508.817 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(On behalf of all colleagues, JOEST thanks Mr. Stel for the friendly and successful cooperation and wishes him the best of luck and )] TJ ET BT 34.016 492.028 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(healthiness for the future.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 475.240 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(In Mr. Schmidt, JOEST has found a very experienced expert in processing raw materials and vibration technology. He has developed )] TJ ET BT 34.016 458.451 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(and proven his skills for over 10 years. This enabled a perfect transfer from Mr. Stel.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 411.662 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Tags: JOEST Field Crew,Field Crew Conference,JOEST Germany,JOEST Team)] TJ ET endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F2 /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj xref 0 10 0000000000 65535 f 0000000008 00000 n 0000000073 00000 n 0000000119 00000 n 0000000283 00000 n 0000000312 00000 n 0000000450 00000 n 0000000513 00000 n 0000002622 00000 n 0000002734 00000 n trailer << /Size 10 /Root 1 0 R /Info 5 0 R >> startxref 2841 %%EOF December 12, 2019 Field crew conference at JOEST » JÖST GmbH + Co. KG

Field crew conference at JOEST

Categories: Published 03/12/2019

Change of agent in field crew
JOEST’S annual field-crew-conference took place on the 7. and 8. Of March 2019. The entire German field crew met at the Headquarters in Dülmen-Buldern, to present news from the different sales areas and to develop a common sales strategy.
In the course of the conference, the management board says goodbye to employee Volker Stößel. Over 25 years, Verk.-Ing. Volker Stößel stood by for important tasks and is now going into his well-earned retirement. “What I will miss most, is the close collaboration with the clients!” says Mr. Stößel.
As his successor, JOEST welcomes Mr. Gerald Schmidt, who will take over the sales region of Hessen, Saarland and Rhineland-Pfalz as of now.
On behalf of all colleagues, JOEST thanks Mr. Stößel for the friendly and successful cooperation and wishes him the best of luck and healthiness for the future.
In Mr. Schmidt, JOEST has found a very experienced expert in processing raw materials and vibration technology. He has developed and proven his skills for over 10 years. This enabled a perfect transfer from Mr. Stößel.

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