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JVT Vibrating Equipment is now JOEST South Africa

Categories: Published 09/14/2016

JOEST Group wins appeal over name rights before Supreme Court in South Africa. JVT Vibrating Equipment is now JOEST South Africa as part of the worldwide JOEST Group.

After having been present in the South African market since the 1970’s via a licensee, the JOEST group founded its own subsidiary in Pretoria in 2012 named JVT Vibrating Equipment to provide better service, the latest technologies and full solutions of vibrating equipment to South African and neighboring countries.

The Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa now confirmed that JOEST Kwatani had no rights to use the name JOEST after the license agreement ended in 2012 and all technology and support, including the important vibrating drives manufactured by JOEST had been stopped.

Dr. Hans Moormann, Chairman of the Board and majority owner of the JOEST group explains:

“We are sorry for the confusion of our customers because we are dedicated to the African market since the 70’s and will further expand our local presence with local manufacturing, a service network and an extensive stock of spare parts we have.

With more than 95 years of experience and over 750 employees we have been growing to one of the largest manufacturers of vibrating equipment in the world. JOEST manufactures the biggest and widest vibrating screens in the world and offers full solutions especially for the mining, minerals, steel, foundry and recycling industries. But also for any other industry where bulk materials are handled, JOEST has full customized and innovative solutions to offer.

Now where the confusion is over, we are looking forward to working even closer together with our customers to provide them the best technology and service they need.â€

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Corporate Communications
Rebecca Riedel
Mandy Radojkovic

Telefon: +49 2590 / 98 136
E-Mail: corporate-communications@joest.com
