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My internship at JOEST

Categories: Published 02/16/2022

My name is Anna Bettinger, I am 14 years old and I go to the Clemens-Brentano Gymnasium in Duelmen. I did my two-week internship here at JOEST from January 17 to 28, 2022.

I really enjoyed the internship, because I kept learning new things and so I never got bored. I chose this internship, because I wanted to know what an office day in marketing looks like and what kind of tasks you have there. I was also interested in how to edit and design websites or how to create flyers or logos, for example. At the beginning, it was quite exhausting to sit all day in front of a screen, but with time I got used to it.

My tasks were very diversified and I really enjoyed them. My tasks included, for example, designing a flyer to recruit trainees or editing websites. I had also the chance to help cutting and editing a video.

In general, this internship helped me a lot with my future career choice, because I got a very good insight into the office life and routine.

Anna Bettinger

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