%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Outlines 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [6 0 R ] /Count 1 /Resources << /ProcSet 4 0 R /Font << /F1 8 0 R /F2 9 0 R >> >> /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000] >> endobj 4 0 obj [/PDF /Text ] endobj 5 0 obj << /Creator (DOMPDF) /CreationDate (D:20250211043045+00'00') /ModDate (D:20250211043045+00'00') /Title (Report 02-2025) >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Contents 7 0 R >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Length 2231 >> stream 0.882 0.000 0.176 rg BT 34.016 732.493 Td /F1 18.0 Tf [(The year 2019)] TJ ET BT 34.016 708.205 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Categories: )] TJ ET 0.200 0.200 0.200 rg BT 82.535 708.205 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [( JOEST )] TJ ET 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg BT 34.016 691.416 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Published December 12,2019)] TJ ET 0.200 0.200 0.200 rg BT 34.016 643.127 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Dear clients,)] TJ ET BT 34.016 626.338 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Dear employees,)] TJ ET BT 34.016 600.550 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(The discussion about the future perspective and innovative capabilities of the automobile industry that started in the 2. Half of 2018, )] TJ ET BT 34.016 583.761 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(weighed on the economic situation in Germany. However, the international subsidiaries of the JOEST group recorded a pleasing order )] TJ ET BT 34.016 566.972 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(income and promising projects for 2019. Numerous of these projects could be won during the year 2019, justifying a conservatively )] TJ ET BT 34.016 550.183 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(optimistic outlook for 2020 for all international subsidiaries.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 524.395 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(High labour agreements lacking sense of proportion given the economic situation, worldwide trade conflicts and increasing geopolitical )] TJ ET BT 34.016 507.606 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(tensions compromise the otherwise well-known optimism for the German site.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 481.817 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Due to our organisational structure, we are convinced that we can react to these special challenges together with our employees.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 456.028 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Despite all uncertainty, we gained confidence and motivation for a positive outlook during our 100 year anniversary which we celebrated )] TJ ET BT 34.016 439.240 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(with all our employees.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 413.451 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(We thank our employees for their efforts and our clients and partners for the close cooperation during the past year.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 387.662 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(We wish you and your families a peaceful holiday season and are looking forward to continuing the trustful collaboration in 2020.)] TJ ET BT 34.016 340.873 Td /F2 9.0 Tf [(Tags: 100 Years Of JOEST,Anniversary,Celebration,Halle Münsterland)] TJ ET endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F2 /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj xref 0 10 0000000000 65535 f 0000000008 00000 n 0000000073 00000 n 0000000119 00000 n 0000000283 00000 n 0000000312 00000 n 0000000450 00000 n 0000000513 00000 n 0000002796 00000 n 0000002908 00000 n trailer << /Size 10 /Root 1 0 R /Info 5 0 R >> startxref 3015 %%EOF December 12, 2019 The year 2019 » JÖST GmbH + Co. KG

The year 2019

Categories: Published 12/12/2019

Dear clients,
Dear employees,

The discussion about the future perspective and innovative capabilities of the automobile industry that started in the 2. Half of 2018, weighed on the economic situation in Germany. However, the international subsidiaries of the JOEST group recorded a pleasing order income and promising projects for 2019. Numerous of these projects could be won during the year 2019, justifying a conservatively optimistic outlook for 2020 for all international subsidiaries.

High labour agreements lacking sense of proportion given the economic situation, worldwide trade conflicts and increasing geopolitical tensions compromise the otherwise well-known optimism for the German site.

Due to our organisational structure, we are convinced that we can react to these special challenges together with our employees.

Despite all uncertainty, we gained confidence and motivation for a positive outlook during our 100 year anniversary which we celebrated with all our employees.

We thank our employees for their efforts and our clients and partners for the close cooperation during the past year.

We wish you and your families a peaceful holiday season and are looking forward to continuing the trustful collaboration in 2020.

All News

Press Contact

Corporate Communications
Rebecca Riedel
Mandy Radojkovic

Telefon: +49 2590 / 98 136
E-Mail: corporate-communications@joest.com
